Move the way your body wants to move.Embodied movement for every body. All bodies are good bodies.

embodied movement teacher

Hi, I'm Karly!

I’m a certified personal trainer and embodied movement teacher who believes all bodies deserve to feel a sense of liberation, connection and belonging through movement.

I blend mobility, Pilates, dance aerobic and other embodied modalities with deep consideration to offering access to a wider range of demographics. 

My offerings are trauma-informed, committed to accessibility, and is fiercely all-body-loving. My goal is to create an environment where people can safely practice radical self-love and bodily empowerment through mindful movement. 

You choose your own adventure.  Dial it down, or spice it up, it’s your body!

Self-awareness, strength and radical self-love through accessible, mindful movement.

come home to your body

Accessible, dynamic, challenging and FUN classes, private sessions and workshops.​

Land Acknowledgment and Settler Responsibility

I live, work, and practice in Toronto / Tkaronto, traditional territory of many nations including the Anishinabewaki ᐊᓂᔑᓈᐯᐗᑭ, Wendake-Nionwentsïo, Ho-de-no-sau-nee-ga (Haudenosaunee), Mississauga, and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and is now the home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples.

I offer my respect, recognition, and thanks for the opportunity to live, work and practice on this land. However, acknowledgement of land rights is not enough.

As a settler of Irish descent on this land I am committed to solidarity with Indigenous peoples, amplification of Indigenous voices and Land Back actions. In an effort to go beyond the symbolic, 2% of my class + workshop income is donated to Indigenous-led organizations both locally as well as Turtle Island at large.  

More info on the Turtle Island land you occupy: 

People Say

It’s not about what I can’t do, but about what I can do

"As a senior woman in a larger body, I like how Karly helped me to be aware of what my body was telling me. She gave me options for movement poses that historically made me feel uncomfortable doing or that caused stress to joints or body; I just didn’t have to do it or I could do something else. Not only was that a stress reducer but it also encouraged me to know my own body and any discomfort I was having and adjust without judging myself or feeling ashamed. I believe this is another way for me to practice self-care. It’s not about what I can’t do, but about what I can do - and now I feel good about it!”

A feeling of comfort in my own skin

“Karly's classes can always meet me somewhere, whether I’m trying to centre myself and sit with my breath or catch my breath dancing to some rad playlist it is always fun! I end class with a feeling of comfort in my own skin because she leads the class in a way that shows me what my body can do for me as it is without comparing it to others.”

Feeling OK with my body and what it can do

"Classes with Karly have allowed and reminded me to do what feels right for my body which is such a refreshing and comforting feeling. Feeling okay with my body and what it can do is not something I have ever felt from any movement class before. Karly gives me the tools to push myself when I want to and reminds me to just hold myself when that is what my body needs. Every class includes laughter and much needed release. Good luck not stopping to Shazam at least one tune from the class playlist."